What am I doing? (First Blog Post)
February 21, 2020
I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Sharon and I am on a mission.
For most of my years, I did not know life as a journey of discovery. But traveling the years, I now better understand this expedition for understanding and why I have felt stuck. This life is an education on what it means to be God’s creation, rather than being my own person. And there is so much to learn!!!
I am finding that what the Bible says and who God is doesn’t always (or usually!) line up with what I’ve previously thought. Despite being a “preacher’s kid,” raised going to church multiple times a week, I did not know what it meant to live in the freedom of Christ, as God’s word proclaims. Neither was I experiencing peace or pure joy. I was more familiar with following rules, hiding problems and slapping on a fake smile.
Mercifully, God pursues!
My life became increasingly difficult and painful as I tried again and again to “get it right.” Little did I know, God was using that pain to direct me…like detours on a roadway…away from the common thoroughfare and into His path.
For the longest time I felt stuck. I felt I had glimpses of what my life could be, but couldn’t get out of the well-worn ruts created by my past. I didn’t know how to do things any differently than I was, I thought I just needed to try harder.
Eventually, I saw I was behaving in the “crazy” pattern of doing the same thing over and over, expecting a new outcome. Something had to give.
I was weary and felt defeated.
God remained steadfast and patient with me, waiting for the end of my childish striving, so that He could share what was wrong and how to go about change. Enlightening and encouraging is what He continues to do. Many are the ties that have kept me tethered to the pain of this life, but God is proving Himself faithful to untether me as I continue on this adventure as His creation!
Sometimes to grasp what something is, it is beneficial to understand what it is not. “Tethered” is what I am calling being stuck in unhealthy patterns of thought, feelings and behavior. And since our actions ALWAYS have a reason behind them, we need to know the why’s behind what we do. Believe it or not, there is a pay off or reward for behaving badly. (I’ll expand more on this in future posts).
Here is a dictionary definition of what Untethered is NOT.
“Tethered” is defined by Miriam Webster’s Dictionary as:
1 a: a line (as of rope or chain) by which an animal is fastened so as to restrict its range of movement
1b: a line to which someone or something is attached
2: the limit of one’s strength or resources

Despite the lack of tethers to the earth, the balloon is directed by an experienced guide. Expert understanding of the weather and the heat required for navigation is a requirement for the trip.
God is my guide. I must rely on His wisdom and understanding, trusting He knows just the right amount of fire required to navigate the ride!
Consider the following general guidelines for living untethered:
Living Untethered is no longer being tied to hurtful thoughts, but thriving in truth.
Living Untethered is moving freely in the personal joys and talents God has gifted.
Living Untethered is about feeling relieved by the limits of my own strength and resources, knowing my ends are the beginning of the strengths and resources of God and of others…endless!
Can you relate to my story? Do you struggle to feel free in Christ? Is there conflict between what you know in your head and what you feel in your heart? Have years of painful circumstances kept you stuck in anger, sadness or disappointment? Does worry steal your joy?
The invitation is for you. Right here. Right now. Join me in this quest! If you feel the smallest amount of faith, take my hand. We will journey together learning what it means to live UNTETHERED. I do not have a map, but God has been faithful thus far, giving me confidence that He’s continuing to walk me through to the end.
Each post will contain content intended to help us along this journey, like clues in a treasure hunt! I will post in areas such as God’s truth, relationships, work, and self-care. We will be challenged with questions that require introspection and internal processing. I’m seeking your participation and feedback…and especially your grace! We’re in this together!
What do you think? Are you ready to begin a new journey UNTETHERED?
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4 thoughts on “What am I doing? (First Blog Post)”
Sounds like a good plan to be included in, with all the things that has happen to my physical body, and most of all, all the ungodly rumors still going on about me, for 2 years now. God sustains me, and guides me , warns me. even in my dreams. I am strong and alive, I fear not ! I am held up in Angels Wings, all my life. Even when I was in the incubator, Jesus was there protecting me and encouraging me. Jesus is my All, my everything. He has called me to his heart at an very early age….
Welcome and thank you for sharing a bit about your situation. God is good, He loves you and He can be trusted! I encourage you to live each day convinced that you are a blessing!